Headquarters: Via Paline 9, Borno (BS)
Contact Information: 3441153034 Instagram Aziendaagricolaomela – Facebook Rivadossi Martino
Store Locations: Winter/summer Via Paline 9, Borno (BS) – Estivo Val di Moren, on the path to reach the San Fermo refuge, Borno. (BS)
Alpine Pasture Locations: Val di Moren
N° of livestock
Altitude of alpine pastures Malga val di Moren 1400 slm ai 2000slm, Val Sorda 1400 slm
arious and potential particularities of the company Formaggio classico nostrano, formaggella, stracchino, primosale (Matù) e salumi vari.
Guided Tour Availability: By reservation only

Our small family-run farm is located in the quaint village of Paline, Borno, also known as “The Plateau of the Sun,” in the province of Brescia. Our farm consists of about 40 cows, poultry, pigs, donkeys, ponies, sheep, and goats. When spring arrives, they are taken to pasture and then moved to Val di Moren: the alpine pasture. During the summer season, from early June to early October, visitors can enjoy walking among the animals and the mountains at our alpine hut (located between Lake Lova and the San Fermo refuge), savoring our platters, and purchasing our products, which are always available at Paline as well. At the end of the summer season, we return to the village where the animals continue grazing until the weather and the grass allow. With the arrival of winter, the livestock is brought into the barn, where they will be fed exclusively with forage from the Plateau cut during the summer. Throughout the year, the milk is processed naturally: in the colder season in Paline and in the warmer season in Val di Moren, where the SILTER DOP is produced.